“I respect your question, and I don’t need a lecture or a speech,” Pelosi said as she snapped at a reporter who asked about the double standard with Brett Kavanaugh and Joe Biden.
“I have complete respect for the whole #MeToo movement,” Pelosi added.
“I have four daughters and one son. And there’s a lot of excitement around the idea that women will be heard and be able to be listened to.”
“There is also due process, and the fact that Joe Biden is Joe Biden,” Pelosi said.
“There’s been statements from his campaign, not his campaign but his former employees who ran his offices and the rest, that there was never any record of this.”
“There was never any record, and that nobody ever came forward or nobody came forward to say something about it apart from the principle involved.”
“I am so proud, that happiest day for me this week was to support Joe Biden for president of the United States,” Pelosi added.
“I believe that he will be a great president of the United States. He is the personification of hope and optimism and authenticity, for our country, a person of great values.”
“So I’m going to remove all doubt in anyone’s mind. I have great comfort level with the situation as I see it, with all the respect in the world for any woman who comes forward, with all the highest regard for Joe Biden, and that’s what I have to say about that.”
“Thank you.”
.@SpeakerPelosi SNAPS at reporter for daring to ask her about the sexual assault allegations against Joe Biden:
"I don't need a lecture..."
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