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  What’s Happening: Since early Summer, rioters have been raging in the city of Portland. Nightly protests, which erupt into violence, have ...


What’s Happening:

Since early Summer, rioters have been raging in the city of Portland.

Nightly protests, which erupt into violence, have been going on for two months straight.

The local police have been unable to get it under control. It appears the leftist mayor has refused to do anything to protect citizens.

President Trump sent federal law enforcement to protect federal property and restore law and order.

So, what did the state of Oregon do? They tried to stop the federal agents with a lawsuit.

Now, a federal judge is ruling on it:

A U.S. judge Friday denied an order sought by Oregon’s top law enforcement officer to stop federal agents from arresting people during nightly protests in Portland that have roiled the progressive city and pitted local officials against the Trump administration.

Since May, protesters have run wild in major, Democrat-run cities across the country.

Although Democrats claim these were all “peaceful” protests, the burned-out buildings, destroyed businesses, and innocent victims say otherwise.

In response, many Democrat leaders promised to defund the police, leading to a surge in crime.

President Trump waited for local leaders to restore law and order in cities like Portland. But it was becoming clear that Democrats refused to stop what could only be called anarchists.

Federal law enforcement was brought in to stop dangerous activists from destroying property and endangering lives.

Liberal-leaning news outlets continue to call these rioters “peaceful,” accusing Trump of being a dictator.

But it’s hard to believe their argument, when rioters storm a courthouse, burn churches, and assault bystanders.

(Generally speaking, peaceful protesters march, hold hands, and light candles.)

Democrats are outraged that Trump would use federal agents to stop endless nights of rioting.

But Americans do not appear fooled. They don’t want to see their cities destroyed by Antifa and other America-hating groups.

How long, though, will Democrats continue to encourage rioters—while ignoring their law-abiding citizens?

Do you believe the media when they say people throwing Molotov cocktails are “peaceful” demonstrators?

Key Takeaways:

  • The state of Oregon sued the federal government to stop agents from apprehending rioters.
  • A federal judge blocked their suit, allowing federal law enforcement to arrest dangerous activists.
  • Democrats continue to call “peaceful” protests that have resulted in widespread damage and violence.

Source: KOMO News

One of the leading national Democrats, Minnesota Attorney General Keith Ellison who almost ended up running the entire DNC, just got so...

One of the leading national Democrats, Minnesota Attorney General Keith Ellison who almost ended up running the entire DNC, just got some bad news from his son.

Jeremiah Ellison, a local politician, came out in support of Antifa, a group Trump just put on the terrorist list.

“I hereby declare, officially, my support for ANTIFA. Unless someone can prove to me ANTIFA is behind the burning of black and immigrant owned businesses in my ward, I’ll keep focusing on stopping the white power terrorist THE ARE ACTUALLY ATTACKING US,” he said.

Twitter went after Trump for his tweets warning about the dangers of mail-in voting. But he’s got some backup. Democrats claim there is...

Twitter went after Trump for his tweets warning about the dangers of mail-in voting. But he’s got some backup.
Democrats claim there is no evidence of mail-in voting leading to fraud, as Trump suggested and was fact-checked over.

Oh, really? Then what do you call this?
From Fox News:
“It’s about winning elections and gaining power and here in my swing state … you are seeing videos of thousands of ballots that are piled up in apartments and trash cans and in hallways. And this is all because we are doing our first mail-in ballot election in the history of our state all under the cloak of the pandemic.”
The former Nevada AG Adam Laxalt warned about the dangers of mail-in ballots being used to commit voter fraud.

He pointed to videos that show “thousands” of ballots piled up in apartments and trash cans. He said he is worried Nevada is pushing mail-in voter because of the pandemic. But they aren’t prepared.
The videos reveal a disturbing possibility that discarded ballots can be stolen and used by the wrong person.

Our Take:

It’s pretty sad that the left is so petty, so worried about a Trump landslide in November, that they’d stoop to “fact-checking” his tweets.
Trump has every right to be concerned about mail-in voting. The system is fairly new. And it appears the rules are different from state to state.
How can we be sure that ballots are only delivered to eligible voters? How can we make sure they aren’t delivering ballots to the wrong address?
These videos reveal that the Post Office might not be the most-trusted service to handle our elections.

How many times have you lost a letter or package in the mail? Do you want the same people responsible for our democracy?
Then there is the danger that fraudsters can cheat the system by stealing or forging ballots. Are we 100% sure that state election officials know what they are doing?
Do they have systems in place to catch potential fraud? No, of course not. Because all we’re hearing from the left is that fraud “doesn’t happen.”
That’s a great way to protect our election integrity, just denying there’s a problem!
SHARE if you think mail-in voting will lead to fraud.
Source: Fox NewsYouTube

Chris Wallace did it again yesterday and mercilessly trashed White House press secretary Kayleigh McEnany. Fox News has lost its way ac...

Chris Wallace did it again yesterday and mercilessly trashed White House press secretary Kayleigh McEnany.
Fox News has lost its way according to President Trump who has turned up the heat on the conservative network.
McEnany has the hardest job in Washington and she has done exactly what the media wants these days – to fight back so they can get their headlines.
It is a game they play but because she is beating them at their own game they trash her?
Wallace was actually first to take a shot at the new press secretary, referencing a Friday briefing during which McEnany had laid out the questions she believed the press should be asking.
“I have to say that if Kayleigh McEnany had told Sam Donaldson and me what questions we should ask, that would not have gone well, Jonah,” Wallace said.
“I think her behavior is indefensible and grotesque,” Goldberg replied. “I think that what she has done is — there’s this cliche in Washington that President Trump wants Roy Cohn as DOJ, as attorney general.
What Donald Trump wants in a press secretary is a Twitter troll who goes on attack, doesn’t actually care about doing the job they have and instead wants to impress really an audience of one and make another part of official Washington another one of these essentially cable news and Twitter laboratory arenas.”
Wallace took another shot, arguing that McEnany was still doing her old job — as spokesperson for the 2020 Trump reelection campaign — but doing it with a new title.
Josh Holmes, who previously served as chief of staff to Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, argued that the press actually put McEnany — and all Trump spokespeople — in a position where they were constantly being forced to defend themselves.
“The confrontational nature by which journos pose the questioning is not really to obtain much information so much as to try to back them into a corner and I think she said, ‘I’m not going to play that game,’ so yeah, it is completely different,” Holmes explained.
Wallace took one last shot as the segment ended, saying, “Let me just say, Sam Donaldson and me and the Reagan White House, we were pretty tough on the White House press secretaries and we never had our religious beliefs questioned or were lectured on what we should ask.”

Kimberly Guilfoyle and other high-level Trump campaign officials are finally hitting back at the daily nonsense from Joy Behar and Whoopi...

Kimberly Guilfoyle and other high-level Trump campaign officials are finally hitting back at the daily nonsense from Joy Behar and Whoopi Goldberg.
Who knows how those two are still on the air but their anti-Trump rhetoric needs to be answered and Kim, Lara Trump, Merceded Schlaap and Katrina Pierson aim to do that in their new show: “The Right View.”
From Justthenews: The campaign touted the new weekly program online Tuesday afternoon with a sizzle reel for the show, including a logo, theme song and live-audience soundtrack.
“For too long, women on ABC’s ‘The View’ have believed they represent all women’s views,” Mercedes Schlapp, Trump 2020 senior advisor for strategic communications, told Just the News. “They project the fake news’ narrative to viewers across the country and are obsessed with their blatant hatred of President Trump.
“Our new series — ‘The Right View’ — will make talk shows great again by breaking through the mainstream media’s deception and providing the facts about President Trump’s clear record of accomplishment,” she said.
“The Right View,” program will air on Wednesday nights at 8 p.m. and will be hosted by senior women from the Trump campaign, including presidential daughter-in-law Lara Trump, former Fox News host Kimberly Guilfoyle, Schlapp and Katrina Pierson.
Wednesday evening’s program is expected to target Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden, sing the praises of Trump’s coronavirus response, discuss reopening a post-COVID-19 economy and address the so-called ObamaBidenGate scandal.

This new women’s program fits against the backdrop of a country fighting a global pandemic, as the Trump campaign embraces an unorthodox, David-vs.-Goliath online mentality that catapulted an unexpected GOP political newcomer into the White House.
The campaign is in some ways building its own startup, digital television network, a coronavirus-inspired version of “Trump TV,” that could rival any of the conservative digital television networks, from OANN and Newsmax to The Blaze and Fox Nation.

Nancy acts like she’s squeaky clean – well look what we have here! Pelosi is pushing full steam ahead with impeaching Trump, but she may hav...

Nancy acts like she’s squeaky clean – well look what we have here!
Pelosi is pushing full steam ahead with impeaching Trump, but she may have ulterior motives.
Recently we reported on Biden’s son, Hunter Biden, and not only his Ukrainian connections but also his possible U.S. tax debts of $300,000.

Now it looks like Pelosi herself may have a Ukrainian connection worth protecting by deflecting blame on Trump’s friendly phone call.
And it could be her own son on the hot seat very soon:
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s son Paul Pelosi Jr. visited Ukraine in 2017 to meet with government officials in connection to a business initiative. Now, unearthed records reveal that Paul Pelosi Jr. was an executive of a gas industry company that did business in Ukraine – and his mother Nancy Pelosi was featured in one of the company’s promotional videos.
Wow, didn’t think anyone would find that, did you, Nancy?
It looks like lots of prominent Democrats have children making mountains of money as board members or executives of energy companies.
Which is pretty ironic since they want to go full wind and solar, putting traditional energy companies out of business.
Of course, what’s concerning here is it looks like Paul Pelosi Jr. met with Ukrainian government officials not too long ago to promote his company’s business.
Maybe something she should have disclosed before trying to impeach the President for having phone conversations with the same leaders?
Sounds fishy to me. Pelosi acts all squeaky clean, but she’s got her own past to hide.
And I think the American people would like to know more.
SHARE to tell everyone Pelosi should be investigated too!
Source: National File

“Queen AOC” often calls for see higher taxes on the rich to pay for her socialist dreams. But it looks like she may have a tax problem of he...

“Queen AOC” often calls for see higher taxes on the rich to pay for her socialist dreams.
But it looks like she may have a tax problem of her own.
A recent Fox News report alleges that AOC has an unpaid tax bill:
It’s left over from a failed business venture, and hasn’t been paid in 7 years.
Apparently, Ocasio-Cortez founded Brook Avenue Press back in 2012. It was a publishing house that was supposed to promote artists and writers in urban areas.
But it didn’t work out; public records show the state dissolved the company in October 2016. This can happen when a business doesn’t pay corporate taxes or files a tax return, so perhaps that’s where this outstanding IRS debt comes in:
The state Tax Department then filed a warrant against her now-defunct business on July 6, 2017, over a $1,618.36 unpaid bill.
As of Friday, the tax warrant had still not been satisfied, and the outstanding balance had grown to $2,088.78, the department said.
Seven long years and AOC hasn’t paid up, according to this report.
Now, AOC spokeswoman Lauren Hitt says the socialist representative “is still in the process of contesting the tax warrant.”
AOC believes the Tax Department kept trying to collect the franchise tax “in error,” and therefore she doesn’t owe them any back taxes.
But a spokesman for AOC’s main competition, Michelle Caruso-Cabrera, believes otherwise. Said Hank Sheinkopf:
She just thinks she’s better than everyone else. Clearly, she’s worse.
Ouch! And that’s coming from a Democrat.
We’ll have to wait for this tax issue to be resolved, but right now the IRS seems to be claiming AOC is refusing to pay up.
She could be right—the state could’ve made a mistake. God knows, the IRS is hardly an error-free organization.
And it’s not a ton of money, either. Even so, this does open the rookie congresswoman up to more suspicion…
Could this be another blow to her potentially wavering reputation?
SHARE if you think AOC’s taxes should be investigated!
Source: Fox News

Former President Bill Clinton took a few veiled shots at President Trump during a speech to 2020 graduates over the weekend. He told them th...

Former President Bill Clinton took a few veiled shots at President Trump during a speech to 2020 graduates over the weekend.
He told them that the country needs them to save our democracy by wiping out “divisive tribalism” the Trump administration has spread.
“The world needs you. Your country needs you,” Mr. Clinton said during a taped message for CNN’s “Class of 2020: In This Together.”
“Even before the outbreak, you knew you were entering a world of growing inequalities, and divisive tribalism, with people pulling away from those who are different from them,” he continued.
“Seething resentments and a broken information system have empowered those who for profit and power for themselves, are willing to inflame our worst instincts.”
“It’s put your future, our democracy, and our very planet at risk.”
“In ways large and small, people the world over have been urged to see life as a dog eat dog, zero-sum game.”
“Someone else is winning, you’re losing. You can only win if someone else loses. It’s fun in sports but bad in an interdependent world,” he said.
“Now the coronavirus has forced us all to stop business as usual. Step back.”
“It’s given us both the chance to see what actually works and the time to go deep inside to decide what we really believe and what kind of world we want to live in.”
“With a tough but open mind and a caring heart, you can help keep us together,” he said.
“Help find ways to serve others, not run away from them. Help to unite, not to divide. Help to build, not tear down.”
“Help to support, not demean. If you do, you will find your own path to fulfillment and happiness and in so doing, your example will inspire the world.”

President Trump issued a warning to Maine Senator Susan Collins after she went after him for deciding to dismiss the Inspector General for t...

President Trump issued a warning to Maine Senator Susan Collins after she went after him for deciding to dismiss the Inspector General for the State Department.
Trump said: “@60Minutes & third place anchor, @NorahODonnell, are doing everything in their power to demean our Country, much to the benefit of the Radical Left Democrats. Tonight they put on yet another Fake “Whistleblower”, a disgruntled employee who supports Dems, fabricates stories, &…

Spews lies. @60Minutes report was incorrect, which they couldn’t care less about. Fake News! I don’t know this guy, never met him, but don’t like what I see. How can a creep like this show up to work tomorrow & report to @SecAzar, his boss, after trashing him on T.V.?….
This whole Whistleblower racket needs to be looked at very closely, it is causing great injustice & harm. I hope you are listening @SenSusanCollins I also hope that Shari Redstone will take a look at her poorly performing gang. She knows how to make things right!”
Susan Collins earlier had condemned Trump’s actions:

“I have long been a strong advocate for the Inspectors General.  They are vital partners in Congress’s effort to identify inefficient or ineffective government programs and to root out fraud and other wrongdoing.
The investigations and reports of IGs throughout the government help Congress shape legislation and oversight activities – improving government performance, providing important transparency into programs, and giving Americans better value for their tax dollar.
In 2008, I coauthored with former Sens. McCaskill and Lieberman The Inspector General Reform Act (P.L. 110-40), which among other provisions requires the President to notify Congress 30 days prior to the removal of an Inspector General along with the reasons for the removal.
The President has not provided the kind of justification for the removal of IG Linick required by this law.”

Every state took different actions to battle the pandemic. But blue states, like California, may have gone too far. They’ve extended strict ...

Every state took different actions to battle the pandemic. But blue states, like California, may have gone too far.
They’ve extended strict lockdowns forcing businesses closed. Some counties might stay shut down “indefinitely.”
Many Americans are outraged. And now White House trade adviser Peter Navarro is predicting serious repercussions, come November.
From Fox News:
“California is my home state,” Navarro said. “I think it’s going to become a red state with that kind of leadership. The reality is that if we don’t open this economy back up we’re not going to have an economy.”
Now, this is something Democrats should be paying attention to. Navarro is predicting that California will be flipped to a red state if they keep up the lockdowns.
It’s no secret that liberals seem surprisingly eager to keep their economies hamstrung. The lockdowns were meant to prevent hospitals from being overwhelmed.
Yet despite being over the hump, they keep businesses closed.
You can hype up fears of the disease all you want. When people can’t pay their rent, though, priorities change very quickly.
Already we saw one blue seat flipped red in CA after a special election. Could that be a sign that California residents are getting fed up with lockdown-loving Democrats?
Some seem to think Democrats are extending lockdowns to affect Trump’s re-election. Would they really hurt their own people just to get at the president?
I don’t know, but California Democrat Nancy Pelosi seemed pretty unconcerned during the lockdown. You know, with her fridge full of ice cream.
Nevertheless, will Los Angeles county’s and other’s long lockdown rules outrage citizens enough to vote for Republicans?
Crazier things have happened. All I know is, if I were a mayor in CA, I’d reopen, fast.
SHARE if you want to see California turn red in 2020.
Source: Fox News

Barack Obama took some veiled shots at President Trump last night and Trump remained silent on the attack. “Doing what feels good, what’s co...

Barack Obama took some veiled shots at President Trump last night and Trump remained silent on the attack.
“Doing what feels good, what’s convenient, what’s easy, that’s how little kids think,” Obama said taking his by now familiar yet still quite cowardly veiled shot at President Trump.
“Unfortunately, a lot of so-called grownups with fancy titles and important jobs still think that way.”

“That’s why things are so screwed up,” he added. “More than anything, this pandemic has fully, finally torn back the curtain on the idea that so many of the folks in charge know what they’re doing.”
“A lot of them aren’t even pretending to be in charge.”
“Our society and our democracy only work when we think not just about ourselves, but about each other.”
“It’s woken a lot of young people up to the fact that the old ways of doing things, just don’t work,” Barack said before taking another veiled shot at Trump for not only not having “all the answers” but “not even asking the right questions.”
Enter President Trump: From The Hill:
President Trump called former President Obama “grossly incompetent” when asked on Sunday about criticism his Democratic predecessor leveled the previous day.

“Look, he was an incompetent president, that’s all I can say. Grossly incompetent,” Trump told reporters Sunday outside the White House.
He said he had not seen Obama’s remarks. He also did not expand on his comments about the former president.
A spokesperson for Obama was not immediately available for comment.
Obama said Saturday during a virtual commencement speech for historically black colleges and universities, that the coronavirus pandemic has exposed a lack of leadership in the U.S.
“More than anything, this pandemic has fully, finally torn back the curtain on the idea that so many of the folks in charge know what they’re doing,” Obama said, without naming specific officials.

Hillary Clinton is a national disgrace and she just proved it beyond a reasonable doubt. Hillary is arrogant and a hypocrite which is about ...

Hillary Clinton is a national disgrace and she just proved it beyond a reasonable doubt. Hillary is arrogant and a hypocrite which is about as bad a combination as a person can have.
Yet she is oblivious and acts as if people in this country care about what she says or thinks. Hillary and Bill literally put the policies in place that have brought this nation to its knees – offshoring, throwing millions of minorities in jail with long sentences, Wall Street favoritism, the list is endless and if Hillary must speak in public she should only apologize for what she did.

She has zero credibility and most two-time political losers have enough sense to go away and leave the spotlight to the next crew.
Bit not Hillary and if she keeps it up she will help Trump win reelection.
Hillary Clinton is condemning armed protests calling for the end to stay-at-home orders during the coronavirus pandemic, calling the demonstrations “domestic terrorism.”
“Armed men storming a legislature to disrupt its democratic proceedings is domestic terrorism. It cannot be tolerated,” Clinton tweeted Friday.
Her tweet linked to an article by Newsweek about Michigan choosing to close down its Capitol and cancel its legislative session after armed protests and death threats to Democratic Gov. Gretchen Whitmer.

On Thursday, armed protesters had gathered outside the state Capitol for planned “judgment day” demonstrations against the state’s stay-at-home order, which opponents have demanded be lifted businesses and the economy suffer during the pandemic.
Some 200 protesters turned out for Thursday’s event, where one demonstrator was seen carrying an American flag with a doll hanging by a noose. The event mirrored a similar protest at the end of April, during which hundreds of protesters — many armed with rifles — entered the Capitol.
One man is reportedly facing charges over death threats to Whitmer, and Newsweek reports there have been posts online calling to lynch her as well as suggestions to crowdfund for a hitman.

President Trump has been demanding a full investigation into what he is dubbing, “Obamagate.” New evidence seems to suggest the former presi...

President Trump has been demanding a full investigation into what he is dubbing, “Obamagate.” New evidence seems to suggest the former president was behind the plan to set up Michael Flynn.
Senate Republicans responded to this new evidence by saying they would call former officials in to testify. That would be a big step toward uncovering the truth.
But, suddenly, Sen. Lindsey Graham reversed course and made what some would consider a cowardly move.
From Politico:
“I’m not anticipating calling President Obama,” said Senate Judiciary Chairman Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.), whose panel is investigating the origins of the 2016 Russia investigation, even as he vowed to bring in former senior Obama administration officials as witnesses. Those ex-officials include former FBI Director James Comey and former acting Attorney General Sally Yates.
Oh, really, Graham? “I’m too scared to question President Obama,” Graham seems to say, whimpering through his lips.
We have a document that seems to show Obama was in on this! Did he order all this? We don’t know. But that’s the point! We need to find out.
Even Sally Yates admitted surprise to learn that Obama knew the FBI was wiretapping Flynn. He discussed their investigation against Flynn.
If Graham is so eager to question Yates, Comey, and others—why not Obama?
Does Graham really think it’s unnecessary? Or is he too scared to confront the former president?
Nixon seemed to think presidents should be immune to scrutiny. Didn’t work out too well for him. But is Obama getting special treatment Nixon was denied?
Will our Republican leaders chicken out, treating Obama with the same kid gloves as the liberal media?
Naturally, Trump is not afraid to call out Barry:

Many believe Donald Trump and his administration were unfairly treated by the deep state. Flynn especially seems to have been railroaded.
Shouldn’t the people behind it be held accountable?
And since Obama may have been involved, why shouldn’t he answer a few simple questions?
In recent years, Lindsey Graham has gotten bolder when confronting the D.C. swamp. He roared like a lion to defend Brett Kavanaugh against the left’s scheme.
So, why won’t he demand Obama answer a few questions?
SHARE if you think Obama might be behind all of this.
Source: TwitterPolitico

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